Here are my favourite shortcuts that I use all day, every day.
Get into the habit of pressing CTRL-S often. It will save you a lot of heartache if your computer shuts down or you happen to lose a document - save, save save!
CTRL-A - selects all text in the document
CTRL-Z - UNDO. Very handy when something changes unexpectedly - just CTRL-Z and you're back to where you were.
F4 - REPEATS last action
CTRL-HOME - Takes you to the beginning of the document
CTRL-END - Takes you to the end of the document
Right Click - Brings up a select menu of options
You can generate the full list of all shortcuts from within word. Instructions on how to generate this list can be found at Print all microsoft word shortcuts keys
There are also some great resources online listing shortcuts available for different programs.
Shortcut World
Useful Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys To Save Time
What shortcut saves your day?